If you recall, I decided to grow celery from scraps this year since celery takes so long to mature from seed. Growing it from scraps means that I cut about 3 inches from the base of organic celery and stuck it in a bowl of water.  I gave it light under my grow lights while […]
Author: crazyforgardening
Garlic Types and Growing Garlic
While I was unable to attend the Tomato Garlic Festival at Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh in August last year, I made it this year. Of all times, I forgot my camera and my cell phone so don’t have any pictures of the event. The main reason that I like to attend is to pick out […]
My Favorite Hot Peppers
While some of my hot pepper seeds (poblano, Anaheim green chili, jalapeno) came from Burpee, the Cayenne pepper seeds came from High Mowing Organic Seeds. The packets are dated from 2013. Don’t forget you can use pepper seeds for a few years. Because I am growing my peppers in a small area, I don’t save […]
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