
Parsley – Flat or Curled

There are two varieties of parsley.  One is an Italian variety with flat leaves and the other has curled leaves.   In the past, I bought a plant each summer of the flat parsley.  By mid summer, it bolted and died off.  This year I decided to try growing organic flat parsley from seed (see www. […]

Recipes Vegetables

Roasted Sweet Dumpling Squash

Sweet Dumpling Squash is a Winter Squash that matures in late Summer and the Fall.  While I haven’t tried to grow it yet, I bought one at the Strip District in Pittsburgh, PA.  If you are not from around here, the Strip District is an area Downtown that has sidewalk vendors, produce stands, shops, restaurants […]

Red Alert

Red Alert – Bad Fruit Companions for the Cabbage Family

If you are growing any plants in the Cabbage/Brassica family such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale and kohlrabi, you should think again before you plant strawberries next to them.  Strawberries are bad companions for this veggie family.     Strawberries send off shoots/runners and can be very invasive if not controlled. When the […]