Bloom Varieties Blooms

Pink Magnolia Trees

Confession time:  I am not growing any magnolia trees but I love to admire them each Spring.   They seem to be the first tree to bloom in the area so they give us hope that it will be warm soon and that Spring is really here.  The pink blooms are beautiful!  The petals are beautiful […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Mache

If you recall, I told you a few days ago that I would talk about another best kept seed secret which is mache.  Mache is also known as corn salad.  I purchased my mache  seeds from Botanical Interests.  Mache loves cool weather and can be sown in the early Spring or late Summer.  This variety […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Tatsoi

To  be honest, I just have two seed ideas for tatsoi.  I found tatsoi seeds at Botanical Interests and Johnny’s Selected Seeds.  With most seed companies, you have to type in “tatsoi” in their search engine to even find out if they sell these seeds.  They appear to be one of the best kept secrets!  […]