General Gardening Other Gardens

Christmas Landscaping

When you landscape your front or back yard don’t forget to include your holiday celebrations.  Our favorite is preparing the front yard for Christmas.  We did not put all the decorations out this year because we got a little behind with my Mom being in the hospital over Thanksgiving and then recuperating.  We got our […]

General Gardening

Harvest and Store Rosemary

When you harvest  rosemary you will need a pair of scissors or gardening shears as the plant will get woody the further down you cut. We like to use rosemary fresh when possible as it is a great companion for potatoes, turkey, chicken and pork.    If you clip the part of the rosemary plant […]

Sow and Grow

Sow and Grow Rosemary

In the past, I bought a starter plant of rosemary each summer and put it in my herb garden.   If you recall, my herb garden is jam packed with perennial flowers and herbs, but I always save space for two annuals (Rosemary and African Blue Basil).  You can buy rosemary seeds but I’ve heard rosemary […]