General Gardening Other Gardens

Butterflies at Phipps Conservatory in 2017

Well I previously posted about the Butterfly Forest at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in 2014, I went again this year. Since July is the prime month to see butterflies, I hope you enjoy the pictures! Out of the 11 types of butterflies at Phipps, I captured photos of four different ones – Monarch, Zebra Longwing, Julia […]

Red Alert

Praying Mantis versus Grasshopper

The other day I went to harvest some more raspberries and found two surprises!  On the first raspberry bush, I found a young praying mantis.  On the second raspberry bush, I found a young grasshopper. When I was little, I loved trying to catch grasshoppers.  While grasshoppers are cute, they can do a lot of damage […]

General Gardening Other Gardens

Lemon, Lime and Apple Flavored Water

I am a little late joining the flavored water craze!  I guess it is better late than never.    Here are the ingredients for our first flavored water: 1/2 lemon sliced thin 1/2 lime sliced thin 1/2 apple cut quatered water ice We liked this drink so much it became our second batch as well.  I think it is […]