Music Garlic has a white wrapper with only 4 to 6 large cloves per head. It is a hardneck type of garlic.  If you recall, there are 3 main hardneck families (rocambole, porcelain and purple stripe). Music Garlic is in the porcelain family. On an interesting note, Music Garlic has a high alicin content […]
Author: crazyforgardening
House Wrens
I have a book titled Backyard Birds of Pennsylvania which I drag off the bookshelf once in a while when I see a cute bird that I need to identify. I am pretty sure that the bird in my photo is a House Wren. House Wrens have slightly curved bills, are brownish, have black lines […]
Ideas for the Fall
Here are some things to consider for the fall: Plant shallots: I purchased and received my organic shallots bulbs from Grow Organic. I got one pound of Dutch Yellow and one pound of French Red shallots. This is the first year that I am starting them in the fall like I do my garlic. While […]
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