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Save Snapdragon Seeds
I love snapdragons! They are a great addition to my herb garden. Seed Saving Tips: 1) Leave the Snapdragon flower on the plant to dry. 2) Once the flower is completely dry and the leaves fall off, you will eventually have a “skull” which holds the seeds. 3) Remove the tiny round seeds by […]
Spring Salad
During the spring, I love to include Asian sesame salad dressing with my spring veggies in my salad. Also, I like to include gorgonzola cheese! Ingredients: Romaine Lettuce Snow Peas or Sugar Snaps Fioretto Cauliflower Radish Panera Asian Sesame Vinaigrette Dressing Gorgonzola Cheese
Red Apple Peppers
While I initially got these Red Apply Pepper seeds from my cousin and have been saving them ever since, I finally found some seed companies that carry these seeds. Features: 1) Red apple pepper plants will reach up to 2 feet tall and about 1 foot wide. 2) The peppers are wide at the top […]