
Reliance Peach Tree

Peach Tree Blossoms
Peach Tree Blossoms

We planted our Reliance peach tree in May 2012.  According to the plant tag that came with our tree, this peach tree  is hardy in zone 4 or -30 ⁰ F which means it grows well in the north.  Others say it is hardy only down to zone 5.  Either way, I am covered with growing it in the Pittsburgh area.  It prefers well-draining soil and grows 10 to 12 ft tall and wide.  The Reliance peach tree is self-pollinating which means that you don’t need two plants to produce the peaches.  This is a bonus for me because I just want one for my backyard.

Reliance Peach Tree Bursting with Peaches
Reliance Peach Tree Bursting with Peaches

This tree has pretty pink flowers in early Spring. The peaches arrive in mid Summer (late July) and are good for canning, freezing and fresh eating. The peaches have golden flesh and are medium sized. Also Reliance peaches are freestones. A freestone peach is one that the flesh separates easily from the stone. The opposite type of peach is called a clingstone – I am sure you are catching on by now!

Lots of Peaches
Lots of Peaches

While my tree had blossoms the first two years, I got only tiny peaches. Watch out in year three because I had a peach overload – a few hundred!  Stay tuned for more information on my experience with the Reliance peach tree.

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