Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Chinese Cabbage

If you don’t like the flavor of cabbage, you have to try Chinese cabbage! It is very mild and crisp.  It is a must for salads, stir-fry and wraps. Another feature is that it typically stores longer then lettuce. Another name for Chinese cabbage is Napa cabbage. The last few years I have been growing […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Mache

If you recall, I told you a few days ago that I would talk about another best kept seed secret which is mache.  Mache is also known as corn salad.  I purchased my mache  seeds from Botanical Interests.  Mache loves cool weather and can be sown in the early Spring or late Summer.  This variety […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Brussels Sprouts

Sometimes you come across really good ideas that you need to share.  For instance, if you really like to grow Brussels Sprouts and would like to extend your harvesting season, I would check out Territorial Seed Company. Brussels Sprouts are plants that you typically plant once as they need over 80 days to mature depending […]