Kale Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Kale

If I have a choice, I like to add some color to my garden. Kale gives color options with different varieties. Check out these options for a pop of color in the leaves, stems and veins: Red Russian Dazzling Blue Redbor If you want frilly leaves and a pop of color, then check out: Feathered […]

Kale Varieties

Dwarf Blue Curled Kale

Curly kale is the type of kale that I typically see at the grocery store.  I am growing Dwarf Blue Curled Kale. Features: 1) Dwarf Blue Curled Kale has blue-green leaves. 2) If you want a full grown plant, this variety needs to be spaced about 12 inches apart.  You can always grow tender leaves […]

Sow and Grow Kale

Sow and Grow Kale

Just like the other greens, Kale is good for succession planting and interplanting. Kale is more heat tolerant than bok choy. Outdoor Sowing Tips:  1) In order to germinate, kale seeds prefer soil temperature between 55°F and 75°F.  Just like lettuce, I usually go for 60°F.  2)  Kale seeds should be planted 1/4″ to 1/2″ […]