Outdoor Grow Room

Supports for Pole Plants

Just like my bush seedlings, I like to give my pole/vining seedlings some support.  The main pole plants that I have growing on my cattle fencing trellis are peas, beans, tomatoes and winter squash. My top two supports for pole seedlings and plants are:  1) I use 3 kabob sticks around the seedling to protect […]

Outdoor Grow Room

Supports for Bush Plants

When I first transplant my bush seedlings, I like to give them some support.  Now bush seedlings can include flowers, herbs, and veggies like peppers and tomatoes. Supports help to protect seedlings from garden wildlife and high winds.   Here are my top two supports for bush seedlings:   1) I use 3 kabob sticks around the […]

General Gardening Outdoor Grow Room

Kabob Sticks

While you might think that it is odd to classify kabob sticks or bamboo skewers as “garden tools”, I don’t think so!  I find them very helpful to give seedlings some support when transplanting.  In the spring time, the windy weather can really destroy your transplants. I usually use three kabob sticks to circle the […]