Foodie Ideas From Virginia Restaurants

Red Beet Tartare

For our Valentine’s Day dinner, we went to a lovely restaurant in Roanoke, VA called Bloom with a good friend.   The dinner started out with Red Beet Tartare.  It was so good!  Don’t worry I have several more interesting dishes to share with you. Ingredients: Red Beet Coconut Milk Black Walnut Golden Beet Chervil If […]

Veggie Families

The Goosefoot Family

I’m not sure which sounds stranger saying the technical name of this family which is Chenopodiaceae or its nickname which is the Goosefoot.  If inquiring minds want to know why it is called goosefoot , folks say that many of the leaves in this family look like goose feet.  While I don’t think I would […]

Red Alert

Red Alert – Bad Veggie Companions for Beets

While some vegetable companion charts show that pole beans (NOT bush beans and peas) are bad companions for beets, I think it is more important to talk about why beans and peas in general may not be good for beets.   If you recall, bean and pea plants take nitrogen from the air and give it […]