Seed and Bulb Ideas

Update on Artichoke Seedlings

I am growing three artichoke seedlings.  The variety that I am growing is Tavor which I purchased High Mowing Seeds.  I picked this variety because it matures in 90 days which is a bonus since I am growing the artichokes as annuals not perennials.  I started the seeds indoors in February. Now I am trying […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Cauliflower

If you are considering growing colorful cauliflower, I would check out Territorial Seed and Johnny’s Selected Seeds.  They have the best options.  In addition to the traditional white cauliflower, they have green, purple and orange heads – how cool is that!  Also, they have cauliflower that matures anywhere between 50 and 90 days.  If you want […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Potato Ideas

There are a few places to order seed potatoes on-line.  I prefer to order gourmet types of potatoes since it is not that difficult to get  russet potatoes. I prefer to plant not more than 3 lbs of seed potatoes.  The smallest increment that I found to purchase is one lb. from Landreth Seeds which is where I’ve been purchasing my seed […]