Red Alert

Red Alert – Bad Fruit Companions for the Cabbage Family

If you are growing any plants in the Cabbage/Brassica family such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale and kohlrabi, you should think again before you plant strawberries next to them.  Strawberries are bad companions for this veggie family.     Strawberries send off shoots/runners and can be very invasive if not controlled. When the […]

Red Alert

Red Alert – Bad Veggie Companions for Beets

While some vegetable companion charts show that pole beans (NOT bush beans and peas) are bad companions for beets, I think it is more important to talk about why beans and peas in general may not be good for beets.   If you recall, bean and pea plants take nitrogen from the air and give it […]

Red Alert

Red Alert – Bad Veggie Companions for Beans

BEANS do NOT like the onion family which includes onions, shallots, scallions, leeks and garlic.  These vegetables inhibit the growth of beans. There are some vegetables that don’t grow well together.  Now when I garden in my raised beds, I tend to plant something new as I harvest something else.  Sometimes I am just too […]